T4 DIB Library Benchmark Data These benchmarks illustrates the benefits of consolidating individual image-files into a compressed DIB Library. The machine used was a 486DX-33, 8MB RAM, Windows 3.1 with SmartDrv set at 1MB. The video was 256-color 1024x768. The images chosen were 106 256-color TIF files. Each file was about 25K. The aggregate size of the files was 26MB. I then created a DIB Library from these members (all 106), compressing all of them. The resulting DIB Library size was 14MB. SPACE SAVINGS: The DIB Library was 54% of the size of the original total file sizes. In general, 256-color images compress 40-50%, and 16-color images compress 85%+. *********** To determine performance, I first sequentially displayed and timed individual TIF files (load and show), and then did the same for the same images from a fully compressed DIB Library. I used a variety of storage media, specifically: - Hard-drive (EISA SCSI, pretty fast), all 106 images. I used both a standard-spaced and a double-spaced volume. - IOMEGA Bernoulli 90, all 106 images. - NEC 84 CD-ROM drive, all 106 images, TIF files only. - 3-1/2" Diskette drive, 5 images. For all of these tests, the volumes were read-cached to a 1MB SmartDrive. The following shows the frame-per-second (fps) performance of these tests. Note that since I had no way of writing a DIB Library to the CD-ROM drive, I extrapolated that value based on a straight-line projection between the two other closest media (Diskette and Bernoulli). This projection is probably not completely accurate, but it's better than nothing. FRAMES PER SECOND RAW DIB PERCENT MEDIA FILES LIBRARY IMPROVEMENT Std Spaced HD .475 .434 - 9.7% DblSpaced HD .427 .445 4.2% Bernoulli .391 .400 2.3% CD-ROM .228 .259 * 13.6% * Diskette .063 .082 30.2% * = Extrapolated based on straight-line approximation. In general, performance of a compressed DIB Library, compared to single-image files, INCREASES as: - CPU performance characteristics INCREASE and/or - Media performance characteristics DECREASE and/or - SmartDrive cache-hit ratios DECREASE. Since SmartDrv was a "wildcard" in the above benchmark (unpredictable cache hit/miss), I ran a duplicate demo, but with SmartDrv shut off altogether. I know none of your users would think of working this way, but this next benchmark does show the effect of a 0% cache-hit situation. Again, I did an approximation for the effect of a library on the CD-ROM. FRAMES PER SECOND RAW DIB PERCENT MEDIA FILES LIBRARY IMPROVEMENT Std Spaced HD .393 .438 11.5% DblSpaced HD .402 .445 10.7% Bernoulli .344 .408 18.6% CD-ROM .230 .286 * 24.3% * Diskette .049 .094 91.8% * = Extrapolated based on straight-line approximation. The above benchmark can be used to show another dimension - how much the performance VARIES with SmartDrv on and off. These values can be used to illustrate CONSISTENCY in performance. I have left out the CD-ROM in this table, since that data is extrapolated anyway. PERFORMANCE VARIANCE MEDIA FILES LIBRARY Std Spaced HD 20.9% 1.0% DblSpaced HD 6.2% 0.0% Bernoulli 13.7% 1.6% Diskette 28.6% 12.8% As you can see, the DIB Library is less sensitive to SmartDrv issues than the single-image files. Finally, just because someone might want to see it, I included a benchmark on uncompressed libraries. You may find the results somewhat surprising in that uncompressed members do not always significantly outperform compressed members. This is because the time to read the member vs. the time to decompress it is very dependent upon a specific machine configuration. FRAMES PER SECOND RAW DIB PERCENT MEDIA FILES LIBRARY IMPROVEMENT Std Spaced HD .475 .616 29.7% DblSpaced HD .427 .535 25.3% Bernoulli .391 .471 20.5% CD-ROM .228 .268 * 17.5% * Diskette .063 .060 - 1.6% * = Extrapolated based on straight-line approximation. From this, you can see the DIB Library can, under the right circumstances, offer a significant performance improvement over single-image files. Since you can elect compression on a per- member basis, if you know the kind of device your library will wind up on, you can tune the library for the best combination of performance and size.